Our Mission
The Women’s Foundation of North Carolina, Inc. is an alliance of women working together to:
Promote philanthropy for women and children
Improve economic vitality for women and children
Develop and expand leadership capacities for women and children
And, fund programs that enable women and children to maximize their full potential
Our Vision
To build a philanthropic organization with the capacity to contribute to the societal common good by promoting: leadership, equity, and economic potential of women and children.

Our Values

We believe that the Women’s Foundation of North Carolina, Inc. has a responsibility to the women of North Carolina to:
- Maximize its impact as a women’s foundation
Ensure its sustainability.
Involve everyone
Our Goals
Our goals are to unleash new resources resulting in new/effective donors, new/effective leaders, and, new/effective ways of giving which will make our vision a reality and our impact long term. We can bring about our vision by supporting emerging leaders and donors, sharing knowledge about impact philanthropy, and by providing tools for philanthropic giving.

WFNC Board of Directors
Katherine Harrelson
Carlyncia Peck
Joyce Gioia
Marilyn Rankin
Ursula DeLaine
Shantal Watkins